Self-Care Society

Episode 90: What Are You Waiting For?

HTSJ Institute

What are you waiting for? Lashanna Alfred, our insightful host, helps you pinpoint and overcome the barriers that are holding you back. From creating a clear vision across health, finances, relationships, and personal growth, to setting specific and achievable goals, Lashanna offers five practical steps for moving past dissatisfaction and stagnation. Discover how understanding your true desires and recognizing that self-care is essential, not selfish, can lead to a more fulfilling, successful life.

In this transformative episode, Lashanna takes you on a journey through visualization and goal-setting to manifest healthier living. By being specific about your goals, such as increasing water intake or developing emotional maturity, and building a concrete action plan, you'll see how success becomes attainable. Confidence is critical, and Lashanna stresses the importance of positive affirmations and supportive relationships. Regular check-ins and consistent actions are key to maintaining progress, while embracing flexibility and resilience helps you adapt to challenges. Tune in to confront your fears, listen to your inner voice, and break free from the chains that hold you back. Let's prioritize self-care and take action for your growth and success today!

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Self-Care Society podcast with your hosts Celia Williamson, ashley Kuchar, louie Guardiola and Keri Shaw, a podcast devoted to those whose job it is to help others get or remain mentally, physically and emotionally healthy, but who also need to take care of themselves. And how we're going to do this? By first showing you the filtered, pretty version of success, and then the real struggles, real work and raw grit it took to get there, how they took care of themselves and also achieved their goals while doing it Together. We will work with you to improve and maintain your internal health and growth, while helping you achieve your external goals and your next professional achievement in life, and we're excited to show you how to follow your own individual and unique path and achieve the dreams you have while taking good care of yourself. So let's get started.

Speaker 2:

Welcome back everyone to the self-care podcast. I am Lashana Alfred and I have a question for you what are you waiting for? What are you waiting for? I really want you to ponder that question as you sit back and listen to this podcast, asking yourself the question what am I waiting for, Like? What am I waiting for to go back to school? What am I waiting for, Like, what's preventing me from starting the business? What am I waiting for to make that next move, Whatever it is? What am I waiting for to shift careers To get better with my health? What am I waiting for to let go of unhealthy relationships and connections? So when I say or ask the question, what are you waiting for?

Speaker 2:

It can be a vast number of things as you begin to look over your life. But as we continue on this self-care journey and we allow ourselves to be open to this idea of taking care of self and taking care of self is not selfish and so as we began to embark on this journey of getting unstuck right Because a lot of times when we're waiting, especially when we don't really know what we're waiting on or for, we find ourselves feeling stuck. And so today I want to share with you five steps, five things to help you get unstuck If you find yourself in a situation where you're feeling trapped, you're feeling lost, you don't know what next move you should make. Number one I want you to really identify your vision. Identify your vision Is it you know, whether it's health, whether it's finances, relationships, spiritual, mental. Identify the vision and you want to be clear about your goal. Spend time to understand what you truly want. I often get people to share with me.

Speaker 2:

They say they're upset about something with you know, their spouse or partner. And then when I ask the question well, why are you upset? Or what do you want from your partner, your spouse? They don't have an answer. They're stuck, they don't really know what it is that they really need or desire, but they just know that they don't feel satisfied, they don't feel fulfilled, and it's hard to put words to it. And so, during this time, I encourage you really to be mindful and listen to this podcast over as you begin to really ponder on this whole idea of being stuck in the whole question of what are you waiting for? What are you waiting on? So, again, you want to begin to identify clear goals.

Speaker 2:

Categorize it, Put it under the caption spiritual, mental, financial, physical, relational and be clear about each one. Write down your dreams for each category and break them into clear, specific goals. Okay, I want to eat healthy. What does that look like? Well, I want to increase my water intake. What does that look like? Well, I want to increase my water intake. I want to stop eating fried foods, whatever that look like. Be clear about what it is that you want in each of those five categories. And then I want you to visualize success. I want you to literally see yourself being healthier, See yourself having more mental clarity, emotional maturity. Literally visualize success. Picture yourself already achieving these goals. People don't understand that the vision, your ability to be able to visualize you living the life that you want to live, will help that thing become tangible. You visualizing it.

Speaker 2:

Number two create a plan. Create a plan. So set actionable steps. Break down your goals into smaller pieces.

Speaker 2:

And so, if it's fitness, you want to say you know what I want to increase my water intake by six cups. You want to be very specific I want to go to the gym twice a week. What day I want to do? A Monday and Wednesday? Be very specific about what it is you're desiring to do, Set actionable steps so that way, when you go back to evaluating, you'll know what happened. Oh, on Monday I did not go to the gym and I found myself being really, really irritated. On Monday I didn't drink enough water. I found myself being really irritated. If it's relational, Well, I was on the phone with someone and after that phone call I got really irritated. So then I have to set relational boundaries with certain people. If I know that every time I talk to this person, I'm going to limit my contact with this person. Also, under number two, you want to prioritize tasks. Determine which tasks are most important and tackle them first. Which tasks are most important and tackle them first. This will help you maintain focus and momentum.

Speaker 2:

Number three overcome fear and doubt. This is so big. Overcome fear and doubt. Acknowledge your fears. Don't act like it's not there. But you want to acknowledge your fears. Recognize what is holding you back Self-doubt, what's actually holding you back? When you always say I don't know, you put yourself in a place for never changing or never being able to move forward and reach your goal. So anytime you're saying I don't know, I encourage you to be still and really be mindful. What is it that I'm dealing with. That's actually getting in the way of me moving forward. Build confidence. Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations and remind yourself of past successes. So often we focus on the failures, ignoring the many successes that we've already achieved in our lives. Surround yourself with people who believe in you, people who will remind you of where you come from and what you have actually accomplished.

Speaker 2:

Number four take consistent action. I don't know about you, but there's times where I set goals and I started off really good the first two days, and then the third day I'm doing something else and I realized the reason why I'm not reaching my goals is because I'm not being consistent in what I said I was going to do. So start small. Don't say I'm going to go to the gym five days a week, Because when that doesn't happen, then guess what else won't happen. You end up not going to the gym at all because you said, okay, I didn't go five days a week, so you end up not going. So start off small. Begin with small, achievable actions to build confidence and momentum.

Speaker 2:

Consistency is key. Even small steps taken regularly can lead to significant progress. Stay committed, Set regular check-ins with yourself to assess progress and stay accountable. Adjust your plan as needed, but keep moving forward as you're self-evaluating, do that with some grace, not with harsh talk. Do it with some grace. If you need to make some adjustment, make the adjustments, but never give up.

Speaker 2:

And number five embrace flexibility and resilience. Embrace flexibility and resilience. Adapt to challenges. Understand that setbacks are a part of the journey. Use them as learning experiences rather than reasons to give up. Adapt to changes. Don't be so rigid. Allow yourself to give up. Adapt to changes. Don't be so rigid. Allow yourself to be flexible and resilient. Maintain persistence. Keep pushing forward, Even when things get tough. Persistence and resilience are crucial for turning dreams into reality. Keep moving forward. Resilience are crucial for turning dreams into reality. Keep moving forward.

Speaker 2:

So, while you're listening to this podcast, if you are stuck, feeling stuck, and you ask yourself this question what am I waiting for? What's preventing me from taking that next step? Quietly, in a meditative state, sit back and listen to what comes up and write it down. See if it's fear, Notice what it is, Notice how that fear could be sitting in your body, Identify what it is, write it down and make a decision to not allow yourself to continually be chained by the lies that we often tell ourselves that prevents us from reaching our goal, that prevents us from being consistent, that prevents us from being resilient. Today, ask yourself the question what am I waiting on? And then get up and make something happen. Thank you for tuning in to the Self-Care Podcast. I'm LaShonna. I'll talk with you soon.

Speaker 1:

That concludes this week's episode. And remember, it's not selfish, it's self-care.

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