Self-Care Society

Episode 69: Where Am I Going?

HTSJ Institute

Unlock the resilience within you as we journey together on the Self Care Society podcast, where we delve into the unwavering resolve that steers us toward the successes we seek in life, be it in personal ambitions or career advancements. By sharing our own heartfelt stories and reflective insights, we aim to ignite your inner tenacity, helping you to establish clear targets and a dogged dedication to seeing them through, despite life's inevitable distractions and obstacles.

In this heart-to-heart dialogue, we intertwine the threads of determination with the essential practice of self-care. Discover how the might of your resolve becomes the bedrock for setting boundaries that honor your well-being, and the catalyst for transformative life choices you've been yearning to make. Our conversation prompts a vital self-assessment: Are you fully harnessing the power of determination to carry you to your most cherished life destinations? Join us as we commit to purposeful actions that culminate in personal empowerment and the success you're destined for.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Self Care Society podcast with your hosts Celia Williamson, ashley Kutcher, louis Guardiola and Carrie Shaw, a podcast devoted to those whose job it is to help others get or remain mentally, physically and emotionally healthy, but who also need to take care of themselves. How we're going to do this? By first showing you the filtered, pretty version of success, and then the real struggles, real work and raw grit it took to get there, how they took care of themselves and also achieved their goals while doing it Together. We will work with you to improve and maintain your internal health and growth, while helping you achieve your external goals and your next professional achievement in life. And we're excited to show you how to follow your own individual and unique path and achieve the dreams you have while taking good care of yourself. So let's get started.

Speaker 2:

Welcome back everyone to the Self Care Podcast. I am Leshiana Alfred, and today I really want us to think about this when am I going? Where am I going? Where am I going In my personal life, in my career, in my health? Where am I going? What is that goal that I've set for myself?

Speaker 2:

We had a previous discussion in the self care group. We were talking about change and how change could be very difficult, and although change can be difficult, it's not impossible. And so today I want to share with you one of the D words that came up during our group discussion. And as we're thinking about this question and asking ourselves, where am I going? Do I find myself going around and around in a circle? Do I find myself doing the same old things, expecting different results? Like where am I going? Where am I going in my relationship? Where am I going in my career? Am I doing the same thing over and over again? Do I find myself feeling as if I'm on this never ending roller coaster?

Speaker 2:

And so today I want to introduce to you the first D word, and that D word is determination, determination. The determination is the key that brings us to our destination. When I seen that quote, I was like, wow, that's it. And it was so awesome during the self care group because we were kind of bouncing off of one another and so I came up with well, somebody actually in the group said determination, and then I said desire. Somebody else said devotion, and then I said I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say I'm going to say, and then I said desire. Somebody else said devotion, and then we said destiny, right, or destination. And I was just like, wow, this is so awesome, right. But what about dedication?

Speaker 2:

But before we get into all those, I really want you to focus on the simple word determination. Identify. What is it what? Where do I desire to be before this year is out, right, december 31st? Where do I desire to be of 2024? What is that destination that I would like to be? Would I like to be enrolled in school? Would I like to tackle some debt, working on my credit? Would I would like to be better off emotionally, physically, with my health? So I want you to really sit back and think about where am I going, what's the destination, and remember determination is the key that brings us to our destination.

Speaker 2:

Determination is the key that brings us to our destination. So then, what is determination? It's a firmness of purpose, right? And so if you had to look at it like, okay, if I want to graduate college, right, with my bachelor's degree, associate's degree or master's degree, and I am determined to do that, I'm going to keep moving and do whatever is necessary, despite any financial hardships, because my determination is going to drive me. My determination is going to cause me to research and speak to people, look up information, because I am determined to get enrolled in school and to obtain a college degree. If it's health, okay, I am determined to lose 10 pounds. Then what do I need to do? Okay, I got to start. Maybe I need to enroll in a gym. Maybe I need to minimize my calorie intake. What is that thing I need to do? But I got to be determined because, remember, determination is the key that brings us to our destination.

Speaker 2:

Determination is a firmness of person. I mean a purpose. Excuse me, firmness of purpose, resolute, right? So when we think about that word, resolute, it's unwavering, like no, this is what I'm desiring to do, this is what I want to accomplish. And so that means if you have people in your life that's encouraging you to do something else. It's like you're so firm and what it is you're trying to accomplish You're so focused, right, you're unwavering. Whether you have support or not, you're like this is what I need to do for me, where am I going? Where am I going? You're learning to say no to the things. That does not serve the destination that you're trying to reach.

Speaker 2:

A lot of times we have difficulty with setting healthy boundaries because we really don't know where we're going. We're like that would be nice. It would be nice if I lose some pounds, or I really need to lose some pounds. It would be nice if I got a college graduation. I mean, yeah, a college degree, or I really need to get a college degree. Do we sit down and we just complain about the things? That's not going our way? If you have found yourself doing more complaining, I encourage you that, as we're going through this process, as we're going through this year, that you literally sit down with yourself. Sometimes you may even need a coach or a counselor. Don't limit yourself. Don't think you have to do this alone. You may need to reach out to a counselor. You may need to see if you can find a mentor or a coach, but whatever it takes.

Speaker 2:

I'm saying make up in your mind that you're not going to stay stagnant, that you're going to identify where you're going, and then you're going to say okay, wait, I have singleness of focus. I'm firm on this purpose right here. This is what I'm trying to achieve, this is where my focus is and I'm not going to be wavering, I'm going to be unwavering in this, right here. So if you say your focus is to lose 10 pounds, that means we can't stop at fast food restaurants every day. So then you have to say you know what? I go to fast food restaurants three days a week. And then you say you know what? I'm only going to go one one day a week. So it's this thing we talk about cold turkey, but then it's one that's called warm turkey, meaning that I'm not going to just stop everything all of a sudden, but I'm going to just do it in increments. You have to be able to see what works best for you.

Speaker 2:

Again, the word for this podcast is determination. Determination it is the key that brings us to our destination. But listen, if we don't have a clear destination, the determination is going to be on and off again, right? So if you were determined to go on a trip and you then bought the flight, you set the date, you got everything scheduled. I don't care what comes up. You're like, ok, I know, on this date I'm going to this destination. I need us to really look at our lives and go within the seat.

Speaker 2:

Where do I desire to be emotionally? Am I finding myself kind of emotionally immature? Do I allow other people's behaviors to dictate my responses? Or am I at a place in my life that, no matter how others respond, I'm still able to become cool and collected? Am I responding in a way that I don't like? See, it's all about you doing some self-assessment to see what am I doing. That is not becoming to me. That is not characteristic of who I want to be. This is what I'm talking about. Where am I going? Where am I going in this behavior thing? Where am I going in this relationship?

Speaker 2:

Even when we're talking about relationships, we have to understand what it takes for us to have a healthy relationship. Even when we're talking about relationships, I'm only responsible for what I do. I can't control another person's behavior. I'm only responsible for what I do and what I will accept when we're looking at if you're saying I am determined to have a successful relationship, a successful marriage, then it's like well, what world do I play? What do I need to do in order to have this successful relationship, or did a successful marriage?

Speaker 2:

Remember, determination is the key that brings us to our destination. We have to be determined to look at any area of our lives to be able to see what things need to be tweaked. Is there a mindset that needs to shift? Is there a belief that need to change? What is it that I need to do in order for me to reach my destination? Again, for this month, for this week, I really want you to dive into that word determination. How determined are you to make a change in your life? How determined are you to set healthy boundaries? How determined are you to care for yourself? How determined are you? Again, thank you for listening and tuning in to the Self Care Podcast. I'm Leshiana and I will see you or talk with you next time. Thank you.

Speaker 1:

That concludes this week's episode. And remember, it's not selfish, it's self care.

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